HealthTech Award

To recognise and showcase new health tech innovations by honouring a promising product or solution developed in Sweden.

The award is open to innovative companies based in the Nordics and the Baltic countries that provide a health tech product, service, or solution that has a proven positive impact on healthcare, prevention, prediction, health, and/or quality of life.

This award is a collaboration between Vitalis, Sahlgrenska Science Park, and Great.

Examples of the assessment criteria the jury is looking for:


A product, service or solution with valuable outcomes for the individual, patient, clinician or healthcare organisation.

  • Involvement of users/patients in development
  • Scalability and Market Potential

The pathway to national and international growth, size of market.

  • Prediction (not mandatory)

Predictions that give the tools and insights for preventive health care

  • Sustainability

Referring to Agenda 2030.

  • Care outcomes
  • Social Impact

E.g. jobs generated, impact on society and improved quality of life.

What does the prize consist of?

In addition to honour and visibility:

  • A free 9 m2 booth at Vitalis 2025.
  • 1-year membership in Great, with a dedicated contact from the Board, allowing a strategic dialogue concerning your business affairs, legal considerations, and IT matters.
  • Keynote presentation slot @ A GREAT DAY; an annual event with more than 300 participants.
  • Pitch slot @ A GREAT PITCH; which provides the opportunity to meet investors and other innovators in Gothenburg.
  • Opportunity to participate in an internationalization-focused event hosted by the CO-AX accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park.

Ten finalists are invited to present at A GREAT Pitch @Vitalis on May 20th, 2025.

Price ceremony: 15.00

Apply for the award via this link before April 14, 2025


Peter Kelly, Physician and Digitalization strategist, Sahlgrenska University Hospital

  • Anders Klingström, Director Consulting Services, CGI
  • Emma Hallenberg, Director CO-AX, Sahlgrenska Science Park
  • Frode Langmoen, Ecosystem Development, IBM
  • Maria Sterner, Head of Vitalis
  • Peter Kelly, Digital Strategist, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
  • Peter Uppman, Innovation Strategist at Region Halland and Business coordinator at Leap for Life

What will the jury be looking for?

They are defined and composed about the following perspectives:
Technology, the patient, healthcare, regulation, and investment.

For more information, please contact:

Maria Sterner, affärsansvarig, Vitalis
tel +46 31 708 82 35

Emma Holm, Communication and Branding Sahlgrenska Science Park



For delivering an innovation that provides equal access to advanced clinical evaluations, this year's winner introduces AI-based precision diagnostics to enhance cancer treatment decisions and patient outcomes. This innovation not only offers measurable benefits on a large scale, it

also makes inflexion point technology globally accessible at low cost. The benefit is here and now, far beyond potential.


Mabel AI


Healthcare is a matter of mastering information and acting on it. Bridging frequent language gaps correctly between the patient and the healthcare professional while safeguarding integrity is key to ensuring proper and equal care.The winner offers speech recognition and real-time translation of medical interaction in an AI in-device, minimizing the risk of misinformation and allowing connection to patients’ medical records with just one click.

Even off-line, during war and catastrophes. HealthTech Award 2023 goes to an innovation that provides critical language support when every second counts.

Mabel AI
Mabel AI



Med hjälp av en kamera och artificiell intelligens möjliggör vinnaren av HealthTech Award 2022 kontaktlös och automatisk mätning av syrehalt i blodet, blodtryck, puls, temperatur och andningsfrekvens.

En kliniskt testad lösning med potential att integreras i olika verksamheter, nå många människor och i grunden ändra vårt sätt att mäta vitala parametrar och tidigt kunna upptäcka problem. Vi ser en banbrytande innovation som kan användas på akutmottagningar, vårdcentraler, i hemmiljö eller i en bil. Endast fantasin sätter gränser.




Med ett banbrytande perspektiv, som kopplar ihop munnen med resten av kroppen, har vinnaren av HealthTech Award 2021 en patenterad lösning för att prediktera sjukdomar med hjälp av AI. Att under tandläkarbesöket få risken för benskörhet analyserad utifrån en vanlig röntgenbild utmanar traditionella gränser, möjliggör prevention och avlastar sjukvården.
